Caravan sellers' guide

Clean everything inside & out. Stock up on some decent heavy duty shampoo & polish (don't use washing up liquid as it smears) and add lots of elbow grease. Your caravan should look immaculate to potential buyers.

Place an advert

Placing an advert on Auto Trader has never been easier. The content of the ad is as important as the price to ensure maximum response for your advert. Visuals are very effective and can pull in prospective buyers immediately.
Sell your caravan fast on AutoTrader

Often it is difficult to decide what your caravan is actually worth. If you set the price too high you will have a long sale, few prospects and numerous missed opportunities. Try searching for caravans similar to yours on AutoTrader to get a good guide price, remembering that retail advertisers will generally price a little higher than private for similar caravans.
View thousands of caravans for sale on AutoTrader Similarly, setting the price too will guarantee a quick sale, lots of prospects but can mean you could lose out on a potentially higher sale. The key is to set the price just above what you are willing to accept, leaving room for customers to haggle.

Caravan site

Once you've decided on the price, put your advert together. Make sure to include the following:

Selling a caravan can be a daunting prospect, but by knowing what to expect, you can avoid being caught out by experienced hagglers, time wasters or criminals. Follow these steps to make sure you're not caught out.

If the buyer wants to pay cash, go to the bank with them so that the cashier can check for fake notes. Do not hand over your caravan until the cash is cleared by the bank.
A far better way is electronic bank transfer, mobile apps are ideal for this on the move, don't release the caravan until the bank tells you the funds have been successfully transferred and are showing as available on your account. Personal cheques and bank or building society cheques can cause problems. Personal cheques can be cancelled or issued without the available funds in the account, so if you've already handed over the caravan, you could be left seriously out of pocket. Despite common belief, bank or building society cheques aren't as good as cash; forged cheques are common.

Once the deal has been sealed you will need to write a receipt to the buyer acknowledging the following:

Finally hand over any other relevant documentation such as: